


05-13-2014, 03:25 PM

So he wash;t interested in her, it was something else he possessed. Was it another being or simply some inanimate object he had grown overly attached too? Either way her interest faded to an easy curiosity. If he wished to tell her she would welcome any info he might offer but she would press no further. "You may keep your possession. I have interest in you, not it." She offered easily, hoping to quell any fears he might suddenly have of her trying take what was his. But he seemed easily distracted by the rest of their conversation that would follow, offering an easy compliment about her name that she would chuckle and smile in response to. Never one to miss a compliment. Thankfully he would trail after her, moving to his side and offering a name that would instantly spark her interest. Destruction... As in Song and Novel? Her old alphess for an unfortunately short time bacon in Ludicael? Oddly enough she chose not to mention it, his demeanour was completely different then any she had met from that family maybe it was a coincidence? Defiantly not something to bring up on a first date. "You see. I recently won myself the rights to a pack. I'm looking for lands to claim, followers and of course... A new adventure now that my current one is completed." Shoulders would rise and fall in an easy shrug as she let out a sigh. Ah the troubles of the ambitious. "Do you have plans dear Scorpion?" Gaze would turn back to him now, smile sly. She would offer him the world if she could get him to join her, already she wanted him. She was in no shape to be force claiming him and really it was his spirit that she adored so much. Why break that?