
A new place to rest



5 Years
Extra large
05-13-2014, 05:26 PM
The pristine woman would refrain from moving at first, only her ears would fall back in acceptance of his presence. At least he knew she had heard him, taking a bit less time she would find herself before him. Mouth open to tell him off, but silent she would remain for many moments. Bright yellow gaze would move to take her in better, her pervious angles no match for the view he now had before him. Pleased eyes would roam her gentle outline as she waited to speak, his appreciation of her improving as she took on her full height. Not many were as tall as this duo. Finally she would answer, smirk reappearing and eyebrows raising at her very interesting answer.?

She seemed quite miffed at being chased from her home by the Seracians, though he knew not who they were it was in all likely hood a pack. Feigning a look of sympathy his expression would brighten slightly at her words of company. Quickly accepting but neither inviting or denying. He would continue to observe her rugged demeanor, how long had it even been since she'd entertained company? Maybe she needed him more than he'd first realized, he would bring himself closer to her. Vibrant eyes taking her in and curiously observing as he patiently waited to claim her as a prize. "Solitude is good for a time, but sharing company is one of my favorite past times." his tone would change, ever so slightly as he made her privy to his personal preference. The ever light undertone of the desire he held. "I've interrupted her though, might I take a seat by the High Lady?" he would motion for her to relax back into her previous position, "And might I have access to her name?"?