
No Sweeter Song Has Been Sung


05-13-2014, 08:56 PM

The young lady seemed quite relieved when Hyperion moved away from her. She was probably grateful for the extra space, but it also reassured her that he had no plans of taking advantage of her. How could he even consider such a horrible thing? The large brute simply gave the woman a gentle smile and tried to organize the thoughts in his head. It was hard to do as they buzzed around the intoxicating scents and general feelings of confusion. His tongue felt tied even when he wasn't speaking. Luckily, Narsha took this opportunity to release her soft voice into the air. Each word hung heavily, as if dangling there by a precarious thread.

Her speech faltered at first, as if she was afraid of what she had to say. The one eye he could see began to dart about nervously. Hyperion contemplated stepping away further. Was it his presence that was making her uncomfortable? Then, at last, her sentence was completed. Narsha was no longer a member of Glaciem. The aged male was dumbfounded. "What? How did that happen? They just let you go?" From what he had glimpsed of the pack, they were controlling and cruel. How would the bloodthirsty king let one of his prize females leave? Surely there had to be a catch. The man cocked his head slightly and tried to clear his head once more.

That's when he noticed her ducking her head. Her neck must have ached from doing that so often, and besides, it didn't seem like the natural way to submit. In his daze, he let the words loose. "Are you alright, my lady? You don't need to cower... or are you in pain?" Forgetting his earlier decision to stay a safe distance away, Hyperion moved closer to inspect the hidden part of her face. Now he would just have to see her reaction.
