
I Won't Give You a Heart Worth Breaking


04-30-2013, 01:33 PM

Maverick didn't know the trap he'd stepped into. He had no inkling of the pain that had unknowingly been caused upon his uncle's heart. He'd had no part in this, not a single ounce, so why should he expect Gideon to be upset with him. More than likely - or so the boy suspected - Gideon wanted to gripe about Gerhardt, or some woman who'd refused him. That sounded more plausible than the truth he was about to discover. A command came. Refuse his marriage. If only things were that simple. Chrysanthe was his? A twinge of jealousy flickered in his chest, but the boy ignored it. Gideon had the hots for his wife-to-be. "It's not my place to refuse the marriage, if it were, it would have never been arranged in the first place." Tones were low. Gideon was upset, very upset. His stance was high and mighty, and Maverick wondered just what his intentions were.

"I don't want her. I mean, she's great, but I'm not in love with her." Why couldn't anyone believe that he did not want to be married? It seemed everyone expected him to be jolly about it, or they - like Gideon - assumed that he had some kind of control over it. He had no control. He was a puppet, a political icon that his father was using to tie the packs together. He was nothing more than a rope, a chain. A growl threatened to bubble in his chest, but he quieted it as Gideon spoke. What exactly was he insinuating?

"I don't understand - why do you even care? Aren't you going to marry my sister in a few seasons?" Maverick should have expected polygamy from Gideon. He should have expected that the flirtatious man would not tie himself down to one lass at a time. But why, why did he have to go and complicate things by lusting after the she-wolf that had been chosen for Maverick? "Did you sleep with her or something?" He almost didn't want to believe that was the case, but if it were.. it would almost certainly throw a wrench in whatever minute semblance of happiness Maverick might have had about Chrysanthe.
