
Sweet Nothing



04-30-2013, 01:44 PM (This post was last modified: 04-30-2013, 01:51 PM by Chrysanthe.)
She loved him - completely and totally and she wasn't quite sure why. He had changed her, he had challenged her, he had made her think and let her loose herself in him. It was a relationship that most would frown upon - that Erani did frown upon. Yet she couldn't force herself to turn away from him, only delve deeper into him every chance that she got.
Pressed against him, little else mattered - and regardless of the obvious consequences she felt right. No matter what their relationship was supposed to be before, it was, now, a very complicated and involved coupling that could turn out very, very good... or extremely bad for the both of them. Gideon knew that as well, questioning her with a pain strung to his voice that could very well break her heart by sheer association. He was hurt, he was hurting her, and they both knew it but she didn't care. Besides... "You have done nothing to hurt me Gideon. You've given me more than you think you have." She said gently, her voice a gentle coo, an attempt to salve the pain that he was surely unused to feeling, but she had grown to be unfortunately, very acquainted to. "I chose you of my own accord, and I love you because you are you." It was unrelenting, a constant, even should he choose to be with his wife, to be with others, she was sure that she would love him. Want the best for him, want him happy.

He truly had no idea how beautiful he was. He worried for her, pitied her, even though he was a polygamist, could take her in as one of his many if he so pleased. Didn't he realize how much he was capable of caring? Did he not see how doting that he was being? Even if he did not love her he felt something - and perhaps one day, perhaps with she, or maybe someone else, he would know what it felt like to truly fall in love. He was capable, he knew the feeling, she was sure that he did. He presseed against her, and she returned the favor - gently letting her crown nuzzle his neck. His breath seemed so loud in her ears, tickling them and making her heart skip a beat. She wanted him, needed him - hoped that he could love her too. When she let the obvious pieces to the puzzle that was their relationship slip to the ground, it seemed that there was no way that he couldn't. The way he yearned for her as she did him, the tears that pooled in his breathtaking blue eyes, he loved her - how could he not?

There were so many variables, so much that she was ignoring - was this denial? Was she denying that he could not love or learn to love her? A part of her truly believed that he was capable, that this was happening, that there was hope... and it was the part that won. It always was, it might always be that way. A small smile spread onto her lips as he kissed her throat, ellicting a small noise from her - a whine perhaps? A plea? She released a shuddered breath before pulling away from the male, just an inch, maybe two - but it felt like a lifetime between them and she immediately missed his warmth. And so she pressed herself into him again, sweeping past him and letting her cheek, her neck, her shoulder, her side... all slide against him as she passed him.

"Didn't I just tell you Gideon? So long as you are mine - I am yours"