
ITS TIME [pack meeting]


05-13-2014, 11:17 PM

ooc;; next round will start WEDNESDAY the 21st of NEXT WEEK. old Seracia members can rejoin here but if you don't post you are free to go without an issue. new members can come in freely here and check it out as long as they behave. new members will still have to talk to Vi or Desiree afterwards.

It was about that time. Everyone was here. Even Sibelle had managed to find Vi again and had showed up at the boarders a few days earlier thankfully. The children had all come and settled, they had even found a new den of sorts dug into a hillside. Whoever had owned it before had also had a large family so it was spacious enough for Vi, Des and the 5 children. It also made her feel kind of guilty... But today was the day. Slowly she would shift and nudge Desiree, still moving stiffly though the fight had been almost a week ago. Teeth would nibble along her neck tenderly as she buried her face in the woman's purple pelt. She was beautiful. She was perfect. And Desiree was all her's... "I think we should call a pack meeting... See if any old members are still around and so you can meet Sibelle." She murmured softly even as she lowered her skull to drape it over Desiree's shoulders. She didn't want to leave their den yet but after a moment she would sigh and lift her head again, turning a soft bark to the children to wake them. She wanted them to come as well. To learn. One day one of them would take over and it was never too early to learn.

"Come on everyone, let's go rally the troops..." She murmured softly before lifting herself and slipping from Desiree's side out into the sunlight. She had to admit she quite lied these lands. The animals here were ridiculously slow and stupid making for easy hunting, now it was just a matter of finding a good source of water and to meet the neighbours. Long legs wouldn't wait long forget love and children. They weren't going far... The lands were fairly flat so it wasn't like she needed to find high ground to sit atop. Really she only went about 100 metres from the den before plopping herself down and waiting shortly for Desiree and the kids. The pack might as well know where to find them in case of emergency. Head would tip back, calling for old Seracia members, Sibelle and any rouges who might be within earshot who would be interested in hearing about the new pack. Once the howl trailed off... All there really was left to do was wait.

Table by Azil