


05-13-2014, 11:54 PM

He was tempting, oh so tempting? But she would not waiver or faultier, not give into said temptation even as a serious overcame him that was oh so attractive. So he could play nice and be serious if needed? Interesting? But the seriousness would scale back a bit, hitting a wall as he teased her with both his words and physical contact, shoulder bumping into her hip playfully. But then. Serious again. He had a sister? She was the prize he held so dear? She could completely understand that, skull nodding along as he spoke. "Family is to be cherished. I understand?" She murmured easily. Her brother had been her everything for so long, had been the centre that he world had revolved around and his absence had been a harsh void. One she had continually been forced to fill with others. One that was currently filled with Desiree. That woman was in fact Vi's everything. Conversation was dragged back to plans and Vi would smile, gaze cast back at him. "Of course I have a proposition for you." She purred seductivly, now coming to a halt and swinging her hips around so she was face to face with him.

"Join my pack dear. I want to stir things up. The main pack will be neutral, easy and outwardly pleasant and completely unaware of what we do." She said, smile growing as her skull tipped down and she leaned forward slightly as if to share some deep secret with him. But wasn't that exactly what she wanted? To share this little secret with him? "I want to stir things up. I need 6 wolves who can put on a nice face for the pack but can get shit done for me underground." Eyebrows would raise suggestively now, skull tipping as smile widened. She had had this exact conversation with Sibelle not too long ago it seemed. "Bring your sister. She can be safe in the pack, you can watch over her when we aren't painting the town red together. What do you think?" She finally asked, spitting out the full proposition. Would he be interested in any of this at all? it was always a risk telling wolves of this but he seemed like the type? Hopefully he would agree.