
Teach Me



8 Years
05-14-2014, 07:21 AM (This post was last modified: 05-14-2014, 07:32 AM by Maximous.)

He would wait for her to answer, and she would take her time. She had taken in the information he had given her about the Merigold and his hint to the order he had named the herbs. For a moment she looked as though she was thinking. And the next admiring the Marigold.

Soon she would look at the other plants. Only a few seconds later would she move her paw over one and give a name before looking plump at him. Each time she gave a name and looked up at him he would nod. She was smart and the hint he had given was all she had needed to figure out which herb was which.

A smile would come to his face as he began giving her everything he knew about the remaining plants thaalt lay on the ground between them. "The Meadowsweet is used to help cure the flu, it also helps
with a bit of pain and can help with fatigue. However it can induce internal bleeding in some. It is found in meadows clearings and young woods. The
Earth smoke is used to cure illness in the liver. The leaves can be used tropically for a variety of skin though ingesting to much can cause diarrhea. It is pleantiful on light, sandy, and loamy soils, particularly at low elevation. The Alfalfa helps stimulate weight gain when ingested, it can also help stimulate production of breast milk, its also good for strengthening the heart and blood flow. When the juice is ingested with water it can help with arthritis. Consuming to much during pregnancy can be dangerous. Afalfa is native to warmer climates, typically in meadows, near rivers and woodlands."

The lesson had come to an end but MMax still waited to see the girl's reaction. Though he helped Adelaide on occasion, Callisto was his only student.

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)