
you're already the voice inside my head


05-14-2014, 09:47 AM
The angered beast had begun to cool himself off with each rip and chunk torn out of the trees and the dirt. With each flick of his paws forward, he was feeling a bit more relaxed, yet the hunger was still not yet gnawed off of him. Grumbling just below the base of his rib cage, he was growing hungrier and hungrier and it would be not too long until he needed to take up hunt again and catch something large before he began settling into starvation mode. There were no wolves around here that he could tell, and that made him slightly curious as well. Why was this land so absent of his own kind? Was there something about these trees and this forest that triggered an escape to the rest of them? Perhaps it was because there was no food here.

A simple turn of the head brought about the facade of a dark, thin woman. She was very petite and he was almost chalking his vision of her up to a hungry illusion. Was this really how hungry he was? Turning and finding strangers standing in the trees, silently staring back at him?

"Your name, stranger?" He murmured, a bit quieter than he would have said if he had been one hundred percent positive that this woman was truly there, but with his current state of slight delusion, he couldn't be too sure. And, if there were others around, speaking loudly to someone who didn't exist could be potentially embarrassing. Didn't want any of that happening.