
I Won't Give You a Heart Worth Breaking


04-30-2013, 02:29 PM

Of course he hadn't tried telling Gerhardt he wanted another girl. How could he be that kind of boy - that kind of man - to demand a different girl? Besides, Gerhardt didn't even know he'd met Chrysanthe, so he'd be saying it under the impression that he didn't like her and hadn't even bothered to give her a glance before asking for another girl. "I haven't tried but I don't think he'd listen. The deal is done, I don't know what I can do about it." He knew it sounded pathetic the minute it came out of his mouth, and instantly he wished he could take it back. Gideon wasn't being sensible at the moment, and Maverick wondered what it was that had him in such an uproar all the sudden. Why should he care about Chrysanthe, unless Maverick's suspicions were correct and he'd slept with her already. It wasn't a strange assumption to make, given Gideon's lifestyle.

Gideon went on to chastise him, telling him that he had once had no say, but now he did. But how could he go to Gerhardt and ask for another girl? Even if the monarch did listen, it wasn't as if the King could go requesting a different bride from Collision. Who's to say the Valhallan King wouldn't just end the alliance then and there? Prince's shouldn't be picky. An ear flicked back in alarm as Gideon mentioned Chrysanthe's sisters. Epiphron. A gutteral, husky voice slipped out before he could retract it - not that he would have wanted to. "No." Then more incentive. He would give up his claim on Kamala if Maverick could get Chrysanthe for him. He wanted his sister to have the life she wanted, and he wanted the life he wanted. Perhaps he could try after all. "If you'll release your claim on Kamala, and leave Chrysanthe's sisters be, I'll talk to Gerhardt. I can't promise he'll change his mind, but I'll do all I can to make him." Muzzle wrinkled as Gideon admitted to his sin - two, to be exact - but Maverick knew lust, and knew passion. He understood why Gideon had done what he'd done, but he still couldn't justify it. "What if Gerhardt obliges me, but Collision does not?" It was a logical worry. Maverick thought that he might could pull strings with his father, but was not certain of the Valhallan monarch's willingness to barter.
