
ITS TIME [pack meeting]


05-14-2014, 11:56 AM

It had been a recent thing that the woman decided to return. She had left these lands the carried too many painful memories. She had been weak before. But now things had changed. Ebony limbs pulled her narrow bodice across the familiar lands, audits standing at attention. A call rang out, one that was only vaguely familiar. Could it be her aunt? The red woman had always wanted her life to be a certain way, there was no doubt in the woman's mind that her aunt would take over a pack. Altering her course, she headed south, curious to see what had happened.

Bad idea. Don't go. They'll hate you. A growl ripped from her jaws as the voices in her head worked themselves into a frenzy. She didn't know how they has gotten there, but every since the old woman had revived her, the voices had made her head their home. High pitched squeals bounced off her skull, causing her to snarl silently. By now she had learned to time them out, but they still got to her from time to time.

The protests continued as she approached pack borders, the scent completely unknown. The call had been an open invitation. She crossed the border without hesitation, using her nose to guide her the rest of the way. Verdant eyes swept across her path until they settled on her aunt. The red woman was beaten and bruised still healing from her obvious battle. "Aunt Vi." Her greeting was stiff and formal as she was uncertain of her standings with the woman. They don't want you! Voices shrieked in protest. The woman remained standing, her face void of any emotion.

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