



5 Years
Extra large
05-14-2014, 02:17 PM

So tantalizing was she, the urge to reach out and grab her was too much. A wish to feel his weight against her back, and his tongue Caressing her delicate features. However Vi didn't seem to show him any sign of a possible reciprocation. He could see it in her eyes, but outwardly it seemed she would be offering nothing but business. Only a tease would she offer as their words would shift to serious matters. Her lyrics would tickle his ears as she easily agreed with how important blood was. She would not pause long however, quickly she would recover laying before him her plans and a proposition that was almost as irresistible as her.?

She would turn, leaning close to him as her carefully thought out plans would be allowed in his ear. He would bring his chest close to hers, yellow gaze peering fiercely into her suggestive eyes as she finished her presentation. Orchid would have a safer place to stay, would she accept Soliloquy too? The boy needed more training, such a pack sounded a perfect place for him to learn. "So she does find plots for him." he would growl contemplatively, the rough sound bringing audio to his thoughts as he mulled over the offer. "Your offer is incredibly tantalizing, surely almost as desirable as you Lady Sovari." his voice was roughly sensual as he gazed upon her in their close proximity. It was a rather generous offer, a promised place next to the red woman and a high rank within her pack. None of the Uroril politics to get in his way. "I believe I'd like to take you up on such an offer, though it would not only be my Orchid coming with me. The youngest, very much impressionable brother, would need to be by my side as well." he would offer his retort, stating his easy acceptance. Now though, their business was through and his lusty intentions would return. "And what of... us now?" he would purr as his dew claw would would suggestively slide up her foreleg. Brows tipped unevenly as he questioned her plans. Surely she did not tease him so just to let him down in the end? He didn't wish to have her forever, but he craved a taste for the evening.?
