
you fit into me like a hook into an eye


05-14-2014, 02:36 PM

ooc;; just a few days after the challenge

Long legs carried her through the swamps, delicate paws seeming to seek out the dry spots quite easily to keep her from sinking into the depths. It was perfect. Lantern eyes seemed to glitter in the hazy light that seeped through the dense foliage above, a smile growing ever so slightly over her lips. She didn't stop moving until she found a patch of fairly dry ground where she would allow her haunches to fold beneath her and dropped into a seated position. It was situated almost directly beside the Range, a territory she had promised Destruction she would keep should she win. She was nothing if not a woman of her word. Though she should have thought that the wolves of Seracia would have preferred to keep the range so they wouldn't loose their homes rather then have a new pack claim it. But who was she to argue? She would keep that territory of old Seracia and Fern Gully as well. Then this and one other once she found the territory that fit. Not she just needed followers. A hoard of clueless, absent minded wolves who wanted nothing more then a pack to follow. She could offer them that in exchange for loyalty. She needed them to be loyal. Slowly forepaws would slip towards the ground until belly hit the floor, the cool moss soothing. Her neck still ached, dried blood crusted and matted onto the back of her neck and shoulders. She hadn't bathed yet. No. She wanted everyone to know what she had gone through to get to where she was. Everyone would know...

Table by Azil