
Tell me your schemes



5 Years
Extra large
05-14-2014, 03:50 PM

As she'd assumed he'd kept his eye on her, though not as closely as he did Orchid he tried to keep tabs on Poem as well. Fable seemed to have shirked his sights somehow, but he would find her soon enough. Ballad had left for the east, Soliloquy was with him along with Orchid. Series had also been scarce, he wondered if his litter mate and fable had met. Silence had not shown herself either, and he wondered if she would stay in Uroril forever. One day he'd put an effort into finding them, at that moment though he would become distracted by her voice. He'd caught a quick whiff of her fresh scent, it had been enough to alert him of her nearby presence so his paws had turned to take him back to Orchid. He would stop midstep as she called for him, oh how sweet her summons was.
Lifting his brows in curiosity he would not deny her his presence. A smirk finding its way to his features as he loafed to where the call had originated. Hungry gaze settling on her powerful form Scorpion would slow as he drew near, ever the confident being his tail would flag proudly upon his back. Paws were placed effortlessly as he came to a halt before her luxurious form. "Greetings, sister. What's such a special occasion to call me into your.. fine company?" head would tilt slightly as he would affectionately touch her muzzle with his silvery maw.?
