
The Coldharbour Road



3 Years
05-14-2014, 05:27 PM

Scorpion did have a point, never really had the boy been left alone and to think for himself. Whether planned or not it was a rather good lesson for Soliloquy to have undertaken, though he had been born alone and left with no siblings to grow up around him, his father dying and leaving him with only his weak mother he had never actually been isolated in anyway. Scorpion had been there every step of the way, and though it may not have seemed like it now or perhaps ever the younger Destruction was grateful for that fact. He didn't dare consider what may have happened if his brother hadn't stepped in to help him grow, so used to this tougher side of life that he scoffed at the softer, even amongst his own siblings. There was certainly some care within him, though he would have hated to have been built in their mold.

All the same there was certainly still a bitterness about him now as he faced his brother. The growl was not a sound he wished to hear, though he wouldn't back down and cower now suddenly. He would have interjected with a comment, how he could have at least let him know he would be leaving though small huff he was silenced as Scorpion continued to speak. There was no physical challenge, though even so there was still a part of the boy that remained a little hurt by the ordeal. "If you're so confident in the fact that I'd leave surely you must know where my loyalties lie?" He pointed out once his brother had paused his words. "And what if for some reason I had been unable to find you?" He hoped that Scorpion wouldn't have just abandoned him in such an outcome, though at this moment he wouldn't let himself be so sure that it was actually the truth. Why a test was supposedly needed he had no idea though Soliloquy knew he didn't like them and certainly didn't want another any time soon. Scorpion had known him his entire life and as he had so rightly corrected taught him practically everything he knew so why were such tests even necessary?