
ITS TIME [pack meeting]



5 Years
05-14-2014, 05:34 PM (This post was last modified: 05-14-2014, 05:42 PM by Fiamette.)

The crimson princess was awaken abruptly, her mothers sharp bark bringing the young girl out of her deep sleep. A groggy expression would envelop her features as her ebony lids slipped open, her tail flicking out behind her as she moved to stand up and see what her mother was woofing about. "Come on everyone, let's go rally the troops..." Audits would perk curiously atop her skull as the words "rally the troops" left her mothers mouth. Troops? Since when have they had troops, and where have they been this whole time? Her mother would pull away from Desiree, and the crimson nymph would follow quickly after her mother, aiming to trail on her heels until she could walk beside her. She would save any and all questions until after she had seen these "troops" with her own eyes. She still knew little of her mothers victory, and so this meeting and sudden change was very confusing. Suddenly her mother would howl, and the girl would look up at her mother in awe, adoring the power that emanated in her voice. I want power like that... I want to be like mommy. She would think to herself, the faint curve of a smug smirk caressing her ebony lips. Random wolves would begin to arrive, and one by one Fiamette would scrutinize them, wondering what each one was willing to do for her mother and her family.


*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"