
Marked to Die: Battle Training!


05-14-2014, 06:11 PM

He sat beside Narfi , listening to words without really processing them. It wasn't until he heard his name did he finally zone in on anything. So he was up against the one speaking? He shrugged, massive shoulders lifting and falling as he smiled down at Nerfi. "Next time I suppose" He said as he stood, shaking out his pelt and moving towards Hati, defences setting even as he moved. Joints would loosen, long legs bending to lower him closer to the ground, skull dipping and shoulders rolling forward. Ears pinned to his skull, eyes narrowed and upper lip curled to further scrunch his features. Hackles lifted to make the big man appear even larger while spine arched and stomach tucked to gather his core strength. Everything was so engrained in him that this was all fairly close to his natural step. Tail lowered, he had seen his sisters broken tail and didn't find it attractive, he didn't want one of his own. But before they were all set haunches would curl beneath him and then unfurl milliseconds later to launch himself at the smaller male. Skull was low enough to almost drag on the ground, really only presenting his upper neck and shoulders as a target. He sot to ram into Hati's chest and hopefully send the other male backwards and knock the air from his lungs. At the same time jaws would lash out, only turning slightly as to keep his skull lowered, snapping them towards the male's right front forelimb near the ankle.

Kylar vs. Hati ONE TWO

Attacks: Ran head on, head lowered and shoulder first to try and ram into Hati's chest. Also attempted to swing his head slightly to try and grab onto Hati's front right forelimb around the ankle.

Defenses: Head lowered, shoulders rolled forward, joints loosening, ears lowered, eyes narrowed nose scrunched, tail lowered, spine arched, stomach tucked. Don't know if I missed anything else <,<

Injuries: none yet


ooc;; edited because I derped and forgot to add the spaces between paragraphs >.>