
You Found Me [Chronos]


04-30-2013, 03:17 PM

Blu would stumble, her awkward gait making the sand a difficult terrain to navigate... nut it improved her stability, it made her stronger, made her able to navigate the forest, her home, much easier. She needed to improve her stamina and her strength, for herself, for Valhalla, for Chronos. She was needed at least by the ebony male that carried her in such a high regard. He adored her for reasons she could not fathom. Her nights were swathed in soft whispered words of affection and love, her mornings were filled with beauty and light and her days were flooded with thoughts of him. Chronos was hers, and she was his.

Golden oculars flickered absently, her gaze falling with curiosity upon the gorgeous spit of paradise before her. Why had she never stumbled upon it before? Such an oasis was rare. A crystalline pool so clear she could see the rocks beneath it, grass a few trees, even a bit of life speckled the earth. How breathtakingly beautiful. It held no candle to her beloved but this place was stunning. She glided down the ravine, drifting over the sand with mild difficulty and stepping down into the oasis.

Her ears swiveled as she tentatively padded forward, dipping her maw to drink her fill of the gorgeous crystalline pool. She allowed her legs to bow beneath her, her bodice coming to rest upon the grass as the sunlight warmed her fur. For a moment she took the time to merely breathe. She had survived, Chronos had come, the two of them had a real shot at happiness. She could live whatever remained of her life within his embrace, his love, his affection. A smile drifted across her maw at such a thought, warmth blooming in her chest as she thought of her beloved.

A smile spread across her maw as hope blossomed within her, giving her strength and fueling the strength of the emotions she felt for Chronos. Why did her world crumble when he wasn't around her? Why did her heart break when he wasn't resting beside her? She thought of him constantly, always and to know he loved her just as she loved him. A laugh bubbled from her larynx, pretty gold eyes flooding with tears. Unable to stop herself and tilted her head to the heavens howling for him, hoping he was close enough to hear her.
