
Wrap me in your love


06-10-2014, 08:11 PM

His amusement would reflect her own, though it quickly changed to one of surprise. He would nuzzle her before speaking, giving into her wishes. But her voice a concern that would cause her to look at him in disbelief. Did he really just ask that? "This is Artemis we are talking about. You know, the one that tried to force claim you, the one who wishes death upon me daily. Yes I do think she would try." A frown tugged at her features as she spoke. It amazed her that Ares still held so much faith in his sister, especially with their future children. It would trouble her, tattered ears folding lightly back against her skull. She would look away from him for a moment, her mind churning as she tried to make up her mind. Could Artemis be trusted? In her opinion, no. In Ares opinion, yes. What she willing to take the chance? No, definitely not. It would take her a moment to meet his gaze again, a small sigh slipping off her tongue. "You should probably go find her at some point." Her words were soft, her mind still somewhere else.

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