
you fit into me like a hook into an eye


05-14-2014, 08:11 PM

He would appear like a ghost from the haze, her knight in shining armour. Before she even saw him his smell would drift to her and she would draw in an easy breath, eyes fluttering closed as she took a moment to enjoy the scent. But it was momentary, eyes would open again and head would tip so she could look back to the black and white male with eloquent markings walking towards her. It had been some time since they had seen each other last and so much had changed for her, was anything new with him?His words drifting towards her and in return she could laugh easily, the sound bubbling up her throat as her smile grew. "I was trying to darken it. I agree it hasn't really worked well?" She mused, eyes straining as if trying to look at her own neck and shoulders though she did not move her skull in fear of straining the scabs and reopening them. His offer was simple and slowly gaze would slip back to him, smile slight as she chuckled. They were near a fairly clear pool of water? Might be nice to not be so crusty. "Mr.Black. Always such a gentleman. Would you please?" She asked, eyes batting at him even as she stood up, long legs unfurling beneath her. Funny how she hadn't really thought of him but now that he was here she realized how much she had missed his company.

Long legs would draw her closer to him, neck arching to look at him through lashes as she approached though as she got close enough to touch she would veer to her right. Taking a swift redirect so she would move towards the water. White dipped paws would touch into the water, enjoying the feel of the cool liquid lapping over them. "Care to join me?" She purred, taking a few more steps into the water so it drifted around her shins. One forepaw would lift so toes would drift languidly over the surface of the waters. "What have you been up to dear?" She mused easily, neck moving a bit so she could gaze back at him through one eye, smile evident as it slid across her lips. Would he join her in a little dip? Or was he too restrained for that?

Table by Azil