
Kiss me hard before you go {P}


06-20-2014, 09:24 PM

Silveris was still up for hunting something, even it was only by moonlight, and Emery was exited. So let the hunting begin! He would scent the air a couple times before a wide grin would spread across his maw. ?I smell something. Not sure what it is called, but it?s definitely food.? What the young man had caught the scent of was in fact a boar. It would be large enough for the two wolves to get a meal, should they successfully catch it. The male would move in the direction of the scent, hoping that Silveris would follow.

When he finally stopped the bore was in sight, chewing on some grass within the island?s middle. Emery and Silveris had some cover, though soon enough the creature might notice them and take off. Emery would look to his friend, stomach giving a rumble. ?That?s our target. I?ll try to head it off, and you can jump in and give the killing bite, if that?s okay with you?? He would wait, making sure she was comfortable with the plans before heading off to do what he needed to do.
