
like father like son


04-30-2013, 03:27 PM

The boy's tenacity was amusing, and encouraging. A King needed passion, needed drive, but he needed it in the right places. Maverick was still young, and had a lot to learn. Gerhardt was confident he could mold the boy into the proper King one day - he only hoped he would have the time. The Prince seemed distraught by the words Gerhardt had spoken, but the King could have expected that. He knew he was letting his son down in a way, but it was for the greater good. Maverick could rise to this occasion - he had always done so in the past. Gerhardt had confidence in the boy, even if the boy did not. Gerhardt sensed him growing more frustrated, and heard it in his words. "You don't know what love is, don't pretend to. And even if you did, it doesn't matter. What's done is done." So, his brother wanted Chrysanthe. Gerhardt should have seen that coming, the Duke had mentioned it to him at some point along the line. "Gideon will have to settle for your sister, or another girl if he can't stick to one. Chrysanthe will your wife, end of discussion." The King did not want either of them saying something they'd regret, and so before the Prince could respond, he stood to his paws and pivoted away. "I know you'll do the right thing, son." With that, the King was gone.

Exit Gerhardt.
