
Take that money, watch it burn



05-14-2014, 09:12 PM

She seemed to bask with a glowing pride within his presence, as if her confidence and manner would swell and grow before him. Even as she coiled the silvers of her tail about her haunches, it would become clear that she had grown so much in being since the last time he had spoken with her. Her scoff was acceptable, he perhaps understood where it came from, even if he did believe it slightly improper or unnecessary; he craved an elegance and manner in his babes, but her mother was admittedly not always wholly polite. Fair enough, he would consider her response worthy, even if he did not completely agree.

?Happiness has never been our priority Athena; safety, production? reproduction and efficiency,? he paused for a moment, ruby gaze expanding across the wintery landscape. ?But most of all vigour, threat, supremacy,? in all his years all he had ever worked for was the reputation that had kept them safe all this time. Without the reputation, without being feared, one would forever be susceptible to the wrath of another?s jaws. Athena was barely trained; there was nothing to say she could hold her own against the clash of a creature that had learnt to hone their skills. He knew her sinew consisted of a strength so few could match, but until she knew how to use it, there was no point in boasting.

?I want you to learn to be unstoppable Athena, I want you to claw to the deepest of your being and destroy what little weakness remains; teach yourself to survive, and teach yourself to ensure others survival,? so bored he had been, but perhaps this would shine through the thickness of his dulling skin and provide him with the interest he needed to continue in life. ?If I were to lean to you, to grasp your scruff and cast you to the deepest, darkest waters your soul had ever seen; could you emerge entire? Or would you leave yourself behind?? it made perfect sense to him, as the tone would begin to rise in his voice; husky and scratching with new meaning. He needed to train her, he needed to teach her to be a queen

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