
wishing that empty seat was you


05-14-2014, 11:12 PM

She had never experienced a wait this long before in her life. It felt like seconds were turning to minutes, minutes to hours and hours to days. It was almost as if time had frozen then and there and Vi alone was left waiting. But she knew that was not the case, she could see the glimmer in her purple nymph's eyes, hear the little intake of breath she drew in as she realized what exactly Vi was saying to her. Desiree's words finally came, still trying to make sense of it all and all Vi could do was smile, tail waving at her haunches though still a bit uncertain. "Just like you?" She murmured softly. Since the day they had met Desiree had been the most beautiful thing Vi had ever met, had been the one Vi had wanted to have as the first and last thing she saw every day. It was beyond an obsession, it was the only thing Vi had to compare to what her mother had told her about love.

Desiree stepped forward, delicate paw stepping into the bangle and finally the uncertainty would began to flake and fall from Vi's exterior to expose the exuberance beneath. Tail began to wave quicker, a joyful smile spreading across inky lips. She leaned forward quickly, teeth gripping the bangle lightly so she could pull it up Desiree's slender leg. To get it around her elbow was a bit of a process, some awkward wiggling but soon enough the silver bangle was resting delicately above the joint. "It fits perfectly. How does it feel?" She asked, hoping that it wouldn't impede her loves movements too much. But she didn't especially wait that long for a reply, stepping forward to run her nose first along Desiree's cheek then along her neck, deeply inhaling her scent. "I want to give you the world. You deserve so much." Vi murmured into her neck.

Table by Azil