
sleepin' with a friend [joining]


05-14-2014, 11:39 PM

The pieces were all starting to come together. Everything was perfect. The red woman lay languidly near the barn, hips flipped over languidly and ears pricked as lantern gaze slipped around. She had had a few run ins with some great beasts with pointy horns and didn't exactly want then running rampant again. As well if any of her pack mates might need help she needed to be ready to hop up and help. But it wasn't the cry of a pack mate she would hear... Instead it was the cry of a stranger. At her boarders? So far it had been hit or miss with those who were coming to learn about her pack but it wouldn't dissuade the ruby pelted woman from unfurling her long limbs and setting off towards the direction of the howl. She moved at a languid trot, neither rushing to get there nor taking her time. She was simply in no real rush but at the same time didn't want to keep the fellow waiting overly long. Though when she arrived she realized that the howl had actually come from a woman. A tall lengthy madam pelted in tan with faded green eyes that looks both ghastly and delectable all at the same time. She was not overly dominant or aggressive so Vi approached in a relaxed manner, easy smile slithering across inky lips.

"Well my dear you obviously know where you are if you have summoned me. Welcome to Covari, how may I be of service?" She purred easily, words dripping from skilled lips as she tipped her head curiously. She didn't seem crazy? That was always a bonus. But then again, what skills could she offer Vi and the pack as a whole?

Table by Azil