
you fit into me like a hook into an eye


05-15-2014, 12:14 AM

"Touche?" She mumbled in return as he spoke about touch. After all these touches would defiantly tell a story and yet no one would ever see them. She didn't hesitate to lean into his touch, enjoying the feel of his tongue rasping along her shoulders and neck, ridding her of the dirt and blood that had been marring her beautiful pelt. Half of her had wanted to keep the blood as a kind of trophy, to show how bad ass she was but at the same time she had been afraid to wash it in fear of seeing the tea damage beneath. She knew it would scar, knew it would be back but what happened if her pelt didn't cover it. What if it would forever be permeant and bald? She didn't know fi she could handle it. She had seen Zara, lived with her. And though she could pull off the scars Vi didn't in the least find them attractive.

He stepped away from her as he snarled and slowly she would turn her skull to look at him through one eye curiously. Robbed of his vengeance huh? She listened in silence, nodding along slowly as he spoke. Valhalla had the man that he wanted to kill? Why? Was the man a prisoner there or under their protection? What had this man done to make her dear Crucifix so mad? All these questions ping ponged within her skull but from his demeanour she was a bit concerned about asking. It seemed like a tender subject so when he changed it on his own she heated a soft sigh of relief. Half from the change of topic and half from the fact he was returning to grooming her. He asked her an easy question and a red ear would swivel and flutter around to face him, catching his words quickly. What had she done. "Well phase one of taking over the world is complete. Phase two is underway but it really is quite difficult on my own without a big strong man to lend a paw" She said, once more throwing on some extra theatrics.

Her neck was moving a bit easier now, not as stiff thankfully so when she turned to arch her neck and once more look at him through her one eye nothing broke apart and started to bleed. Wow so he was actually cleaning her up rather then just sitting back there lovingly grooming her. In all honestly she would have been happy with either? "Will you take my paw and come with me on this magical adventure? I can promise riches and power beyond compare." She purred, tossing him a wink, smile once more growing seductive. Last time they had met she had offered him something similar, had offered to take him along with her after he had achieved his goals. Well? His goals were not yet achieved but it was obvious he had a plan. And she really didn't care if he wanted to take on all of Valhalla to get the revenge he desired as long as he would come back to her afterwards.

Table by Azil