
you fit into me like a hook into an eye



2 Years
05-15-2014, 12:40 AM (This post was last modified: 05-15-2014, 01:11 AM by Crucifix.)

His toungue would rasp along her coat and the taste of her would full his mouth. He did indeed find the motion relaxing and in no time his breath would be regular again, his anger dripping away amungst her calming presence. He would sigh into her as she leaned into his care and would pause to admire his handiwork as she spoke. She talked about conquering the world and her steps to achieving it. A brow would raise, wondering how her newly acquired injuries where related to her conquests - what trouble had this crazy, sexy girl gotten herself into now? He moved closer to her, their bodies brushing together as he stirred his toungue against the last dabs of blood upon her coat, bringing back the shine that had once belonged their and admiring the beauty of her shades once more.

With her words on needing a big strong man his eyes would spark and he would pleasantly slip back into banter. "I would gladly be your dark knight, milady. Only prey tell me what troubles you have found yourself in?" he would ask with a sofly pleasent laugh.
Yet when she actually asked him in banter if he would go with her he knew he couldn't say no. Only half sure she was serious about him going with her he would look back into her familier eyes. "what's a fair lady without her knight? Yes, I do believe I will go with you. But where would you lead?" he would voice between them, with his warm bretth stirring the fur along her back. He didnt know what he was getting himself into but she had captured him and he wanted nothing more then to capture her in return.