
you fit into me like a hook into an eye



2 Years
05-15-2014, 02:26 AM (This post was last modified: 05-15-2014, 02:26 AM by Crucifix.)

It was good to see the result of his handiwork, with her flesh smoothing out beneath his tongue. He was half tempted to make out his work was not yet complete to further lavish his kisses against her form. With them both leaning into each-other he could feel each breath she drew in, and the light thrum of her feathered heart. Each moment near her and each word she spoke seemed to tie him to her that little bit more. He was spell bound, utterly caught in the power of her enchanting presence and it was easy to imagine himself truly deeming to be her protector ? even if the same instant he could never imagine her strong will being in need of his protection.

She would move herself ever close, with her skull pressed to his and words tumbling free from her lips, words for his ears alone. Her words hinted of interesting things to come and a grin would wrap his lips in a caress as he took her in and chewed possible comebacks between his thoughts. Before he could utter one past his lips she would step back from him and he would feel the tear of her absence by his side. At first he was uncertain what she was saying, indicating that they where hear, stretching her head to encompass all the world around them. Then she would speak again, and feeling the fool he would click. Her injuries, her words of ruling, her gesture to the lands around them... her words would speak his thoughts as she told him she had procured herself a pack.

In her next sentence she was offering him a place here within her borders. Never in his life had he felt a loyalty to a pack, never had he wished to ground himself to ones borders and mundane life, never had he thought he would understand why until this moment. He suddenly realised, as his eyes found hers again and took in there brilliant lights. It was not the pack, it was the leader, it wasn't loyalty to this mindless land, it was devotion to the one who ruled it. He understood it, because for the first time in his life he felt it. He could do it, he could stay within these borders as her beta and owe his loyalty to her, and that very realisation startled him more then her new-found rule, more then her offer to make him beta. ?With you as my queen and I as your knight?? he found his voice uttering, his tone teasing even as behind his own dark hues his mind was reeling, falling through the depths of all this laid out before him. ?I'll do it? he said. To hell with the consiquinces, he would find an answer to it, to Twig... to Othello.. he would find an answer, but he could not say no to this. He had already decided to make Othello his mate, to finally agree to what she was asking of him what better way to do it then to offer her a home? Where better to do it then to a place he could actually owe his alliances to? Suddenly his entire life made sense. ?alright my queen ? how do you wish to rule your world?? he would ask her.