
Soothing waters, soothing company



11 Years
05-15-2014, 04:12 AM
His remarks seemed to dissatisfy and satisfy his mate at the same time, a certain unease in the pale wolf's single eye gaze. A slow unsure blink was given as Tahlia took a few moment to contemplate his words. The she-wolf had accepted the facts spoken it seemed, though not all of it, and comforted her mate's uncertainty with a touch of her cheek to his. Bane let his tongue slip out just past his muzzle and graze over the side of her jaw. "I worry about all of you." The aged wolf sighed. "I worry about how I can't keep my eye on all of you." Nothing he could to about that, and it was just the feelings of a parent who's young grew bigger as much as their time away from him and his mate, out doing their own thing.

The sons he had sired were now fully grown and with it Bane's unease that they might leave and never return one day. He knew that they would but still, the day when he had been cast out by his adoptive father was a hard one. It had been winter, and he had almost starved to death even while living with the assistance of a pack. Tahlia had situated herself closer to him so that their sides were touching, Bane's absentminded thought's distracting him from her bodily gesture. It hadn't been a fight the two wolves had, or and argument or a disagreement. A tense inquiry.

Anais and her mannerisms were brought up again, Bane pressing the tip of his muzzle against Tahlia's and slightly intruding his tongue into her maw. He closed his eye, letting a rumble reverberate through his body in an attempt to distract his mate from her worries during their time alone. "We'll figure out their futures when the time comes and must return to being sire and dame." Bane murmured as he withdrew from his kiss and just stared into the she-wolfs golden eyes. He pressed his side against hers, a wanting for her to be without weary thoughts deciding that the romance they'd shared should be hinted at again. As long as she worried and fretted Bane would try and distract her. The aged wolf brought his upper body over Tahlia, muzzle snaking around the side of her head to give a nibble behind an ear.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•