
ITS TIME [pack meeting]



3 Years
05-15-2014, 09:08 AM
They had moved, and they were living now in a pack that could truly be called their own. Though Arisu may not have witnessed the battle that her mother needed to fight in order to get them here, to claim this land as their own, she undoubtedly felt pride that her mother was so strong to be able to do such a thing. Her mother was strong, a force to be reckoned with, and Arisu made the silent vow that she would follow in her mother?s pawprints and do the same. Leader or not, she would make sure every wolf, especially here in this pack, would know her name and face.

She would rise with her family, following along behind her mother like a silent shadow. But though she was silent Arisu was far from some submissive, timid little fae who would cower at every little thing. No... She was stronger and far better than that. It would not take long after her mother made the call that wolves began to show their faces. Wolves who did not hold the scent of the pack that once lingered here around them. She would take a breath, looking around at all these wolves. New faces... New things to learn.

Emerald eyes would go over each one, sliding from one wolf to the next in a way that showed she was studying them. Arisu would sit, curling her tail around her paws, as she looked back to the leader of the four that seemed to come in. He would give their names, motioning to each in turn, but she knew not his own. However Poem, Orchid, and Soliloquy were wolves she would certainly be watching from here on out. Her gaze would flick back to the other male. He was quiet, as was the female by the name of Orchid. Poem would speak however, and Arisu would give the slightest of smirks at her mumbled words. She hadn?t heard them of course, but something about that made her want to know more at this woman.

She would break away from her mother?s side, moving up next to Poem and settling herself down. She would clear her throat ever so slightly, the sound on the lower side to make it a little less obvious. Then Arisu would speak, her voice seemingly innocent, though her siblings, particularly Solo, would know better. ?Did you and your siblings travel far?? Simply gaining more information... Knowledge. A tool that could be just as dangerous as fang or claw.