
Marked By Destiny


05-15-2014, 09:26 AM
Ooc:: Okies.

Ritsuka would give a soft chuckle as Gossamir spoke. It was kinda true -- the small fae tended to liven things up a bit. He honestly missed being able to hang out with her so easily, and honestly he looked forward to being able to do it again. The other members of Tortuga were nice, but of them all he supposed he was closest to Gossamir, followed by Qanik. They were the two he had spent the most time with... A sort of kinship developing the day that they all joined the pack together. He supposed he felt a bit more attached to Gossamir too because she was around his own age.

He would give a gentle bump with his own shoulder as she spoke, eyes shining happily. ?I?m going to hold you to it, Goss--amir.? He would trip up again, almost calling her ?Gossy? once more. He wasn?t too sure how the fae would feel about it, and cleared his throat, trying to play it off if that had been the reason for his little stutter over her name. He would frown a bit as she asked how things were going in the pack.

?For the most part things have been going well. I?ve scented a couple new scents around... Seems were expanding. We had a decent turnout for the spars, six of us... Although...? He would give a soft sigh. ?Something is up with Misha... I can?t figure it out. I found her passed out near the ocean... She didn?t even fully register she had been unconscious... And can?t seem to remember Dayton either.? There was a troubled look on his face. ?I don?t like it one bit... Something happened to her and it ticks me off not knowing what it is.?
