



04-30-2013, 05:03 PM
NAME: Ananke (Ana) Illiads
GENDER: Female
APPEARANCE: Slim figured, Medium sized, Usually smiling, Will fill out properly later.
PERSONALITY: "Mommy is so sweet, all smooth lines and the soft color of the sun going down. Aegira is fun! Sort of like mommy, but with swirls and a little more yellow!" At first, one would think that the girl was being poetic about her surroundings. A little romantic in the making, she sees colors and shapes in emotions and the feelings that she gets around others. She is open minded and warmhearted, if not a bit wrapped up in her own thoughts. Her dreams and imagination are vivid, so much, that it seems as if she is living within her dreams at times. Yet there is something about the young pup's odd way of thinking that stretches farther than her small poetic mind should.

She has a strange form of synesthesia. Seeing warm colors for positive feelings and cold ones for those that are more negative. While her feelings for her family are mainly hues of yellow, orange and red - what she feels for a stranger that she is wary of and knows nothing about would be more blue and purple, dark and unknown. It is not something that will ever go away, but will enhance her imagination and alter the way she thinks. A stranger might not be approached because they make her feel scared, ice blue flickering in the corners of her eyes in sharp patterns within her subconscious.

Her thoughts don't always connect with what comes out of her mouth, and her moods can go from zero to sixty a bit fast, even for a pup. She seems quiet at first, gazing at you with silvery eyes and a soft unreadable expression. Yet it's all a bit of a ruse, because once she starts talking she is easy to take to and rather friendly if you manage to make her feel comfortable. Body language is very important when approaching Ana, she doesn't take well to being towered over or intimidated. When looked down on by someone more her age and size, she becomes quiet and easily agitated, only snapping when outwardly provoked (or she thinks that she's being provoked.) She doesn't like to fight or argue, but will do so if it's the only way to make her point.

Ananke will chatter your ears off speaking about nothing at all if you let her. She can also be good quiet company, padding alongside her chosen company and settling into a surprisingly comfortable quiet. The girl, like any pup, likes to have fun and play, but she sees the world a bit differently than most others do. Besides the beauty and vibrancy that the world already has, she sees almost another layer of colors and patterns inside her head right beside it.

OTHER: I would like to give her mild to moderate synesthesia c: she would connect certain feelings and emotions to colors and patterns. This does not mean that she will always feel the right thing about others! On the contrary, it can be very misleading and make some meetings and situations more complicated than they need be. I think it would be an interesting trait to integrate into her, and for her to either learn to cope with or ignore/overcome ^-^