
ITS TIME [pack meeting]


05-15-2014, 01:13 PM

I became insane

with long intervals of horrible sanity

There is a side to everyone. A side that would scare, push away, and worry anyone. A side that held those sinning thoughts and horrid demons. Some wore that side on their sleeve. Some did not. Everyone had their own prospective. It all depended. Some were religious, some not. Some were careless, some not. Svanerna was a new breed. A new creature. She was a luxurious meinx waiting for her next kill. Each paw wore claws ready to rip. He mind let those sinning thoughts run free. It was obvious. It was very obvious. She was born to be a devil. Her dark fur and fluttering lashes. Her obnoxious pelt and lovely hips. Her morals reflected upon her religion and her family. But her family meant all to her. It meant everything. Her darling Jae and Karp. All the others. She was a mother and a Goddess. The woman had her life set in stone, it was perfection but many saw otherwise. Many would view Svan as a monster, as a horror even. It all depended. But, when the woman heard the Alpha's call she hopped at the chance to better her life. The six year old temptress was terribly bored. Her search for her sons was getting old and she knew it was time for something fun. The babe got up from her lounging rock and slipped to the meeting. As she arrived her eyes roamed the area. She saw all sorts of creatures. Pale ones, purple ones, red ones, black ones. The woman licked her lips. Her head was held high in authority, but her eyes never met anyone elses. She knew she held no real authority within the group of little packlings. But, she would warn them. The woman was not to be tampered with. She shifted her gaze to the obvious Alpha and grinned. "I am Svanerna Finnvi, I am here to request entry into your pack. I have been viewing and I enjoy what I see." Her voice was haunting, each word was laced with darkness. She stared at the leading fae without a blink and sat her rear upon the ground.