
Hopeless Wanderer



7 Years

05-15-2014, 02:09 PM (This post was last modified: 05-15-2014, 02:10 PM by Bass.)

The day was young, the chilly air of autumn grasping its hands on the lands below. A covering of frost adorned the area, weighing down the blades of grass. Winter was threatening, but still the plants clung to life. They would not yet give up. The leaves had begun to change colours, stubborn green ones looking like emeralds among all the oranges, reds, and browns of their brethren around them. It was a very pretty time, but also one that reminded everyone of death. The spring would always come after winter, often the colder months made creatures forgetful of it. The yearling that walked among the frosted grass did not. Even in his short time of life spent on this earth he knew this valuable lesson and took it to heart.

Bass paused, shaking the dew that hung onto his ivory fur. It made him feel heavy, like he was carrying some extra weight on him. But no matter how much she shook off the melted frost, it just got wet again. The young one huffed, raising his legs really high up when he took a step in hopes that he would avoid getting wet. He looked like a crane, stretching up as high as he could and then stepping as far as he could. Silly if anyone were to be spectating him. At last a large rock came into view, and he chirped happily, pretty much bounding over to it. The brute scrambled upon the damp rock, but his already wet paws slipped on the slippery surface. Then before he knew it, he was laying flat on his back, blinking up into the gray sky. How had that happened?

The yearling was slightly stunned, he had fallen backwards before he could really take in what had happened. And now he was really wet, and the cold was starting to effect Bass. Shivering, he rolled around and stood up on his shaky legs. "Burrr...." He said softly, trying to shake his pelt and rid of that nasty water. Gross. The white fur clung to his form, making him look more like a rodent than a wolf. Wrinkling up his nose, he looked around and tried to find a shelter. There didn't seem to be anything around, but he kept walking, his poor little body shaking.