
might as well read me my last rights


05-16-2014, 12:41 PM

Crucifix wouldn't say a thing, instead waiting patiently slightly behind her for her purple nymph to arrive. And arrive she would like an angel across the plains, paws barely seeming to touch the ground as she floated towards them. Smile sent from joyful to serene, eyes hooded slightly as she watched her love approach. "Vi, who's this? is he useful, or a friend perhaps?" She would ask but before she answered she would unfold her haunches and step forward, moving to Desiree and running her skull underneath her love's chin. Though they had been together now more then ever she still felt like she never got to see Desiree much anymore. "Des, this is Crucifix Black, Cru this is Desiree Carmel. My wife and the woman who rules this pack alongside me," she could barely look at Crucifix as she spoke of Desiree, eyes fixed on the woman beside her as she came to stand next to the slightly smaller fae. Red and purple pelts would mingle and twine as Vi nudged the woman tenderly and motioned to the black and white male now positioned before them. "He is a bit of both. I was hoping you might accept him as your beta...? I would feel much more comfortable to leave you with someone I trust should we ever have to be apart." Her voice would lower, more hushed and obviously intended for Desiree's ears alone though every so often eyes would flitter to Crucifix as if trying to silently tell him not to fuck this up.