
It goes on and on


05-15-2014, 05:18 PM
...and what might a wanderer end up stumbling upon other than another wanderer?

He was lost... Well, no surprise there. Kyda was always lost. He didn?t mind though. Through his travels he was seeing new places and meeting new wolves. His tail would wag happily behind him, content even though he could hardly see a thing through the tall grass that he moved through. The thicket wasn?t the easiest to navigate through, but the male was happy enough to maneuver through it rather than taking the long way around. His lower wounds from when the panther took his manhood had healed... Scarred but he was alive, and that was what mattered. All thanks to that healer with the unique marking upon his head.

Kyda was humming to himself, a song which, to any other listener, held no tune at all. His odd speech infected even his humming... But to him it wasn?t odd at all. He didn?t hear the strangeness of it. Kyda knew now, after meeting enough wolves, that something was wrong with it... But what it was he had no clue. He was also coming to realize some other things... That he wasn?t who he thought he was... And that many mysteries involving his past were around. It was amazing that, after such a long time, he was starting to make some sort of recovery from the wounds he inherited when he was but a yearling.

The male would bump into something then... Something furry... And look up to see a russet and white furry body in front of him. He would take a step back, the grass rustling loudly as he did so.

?Ahh!! Sorry am I! Not did I you see!? He would say the words quickly, probably not at all helping this stranger understand him.

{{Kyda Translations!!
Original:: ?Ahh!! Sorry I?m! Not did I you see!?
What Kyda Means To Say:: ?Ahh!! I?m sorry! I did not see you!?}}