
The Carmel bloodline



5 Years
05-15-2014, 05:20 PM (This post was last modified: 05-21-2014, 06:48 PM by Aldoro.)
OOC NAME Floofie


NAME CHANGE? Velia, maybe?

APPEARANCE The tall, strong babe is a temple of nothing but beauty. Yes. The many hairs upon her delicate skin withhold the coloring of a goddess, like her mother. Those purples hairs are ones of royalty. And though Velia and her mother share very little in common, appearance wise, they both have beautiful, uncommon displays. Both of them, no matter what. No ordinary wolf would have the godesses color, purple, and no ordinary commoner would be seen with the gorgeous pelt of an okapi. Yes...behold them. Behold the beauty that represents they're family.

Velia's structure, however, is tall and sturdy. She has muscle in her long legs and firm shoulders. A small head and ears that reside on thr large side. But either way, the beauty that envelopes the damsel will forever be eternal. Beautiful, organized fur is long and silky. It is groomed and taken care of constantly, for the woman becomes very bitter when she doesn't look appropriate for display. It is wahsed out by either slipping into a source of cool water, sitting and taking the valuable time to clean herself, or shake it out quick and easy. But water is often preferrred. At last, the multicolored babe stands at 31" and weighs ----.

Her body structure is fascinating, yes, but her coat, coloring, and markings are the peacock feathers of her whole picture. She has the lovely markings and coloring of an okapi. An almost golden brown surrounding a quarter of her body, but she is masked and socked in white. Her rear is almost covered in white, but streaks that come from her base color stretch into the white space as if she was half zebra. The stripes stop on her rump once they hit the knee, then it's just white. But that's her back legs. Her front legs, on the other hand, have stripes from the base color running all down her forearms. Her white mask is the only white marking without streaks. Finally, her eyes are both a light yellow.

PERSONALITY This tall, lean babe is not only appealing and beautiful on the outside. Mentally, her heart is full of cheer and even some devious things. Like flirting, allowing men to 'tease' her, and such in that category. But this lean woman knows her circumstances. She is still a hardworking girl, but she finds value to her precious free time. Meeting others, taking a little swim, a bite to eat, etc. While meeting someone new, none should be strucken by her uneasiness. The babe is always careful and on high alert when it came to strangers. But her acquaintances would be gladly welcomed without a wary glance.

Velia is also known for her great sense in adventure and fun. Mud and being dirty on a good day wouldn't kill her. So, she does it anyways. The multicolored huntress can also be extremely playful and wreckless and...certain times, but most of the time she is stuck on focus. Focusing on training, hunting, herbal skills, etc. It's all about gaining her mother's trust in who she could really be. A queen, perhaps. As a pup, she will have dreams of becoming her mother. A queen of a pack. But as she grows older, she will gradually gain more interest. However, this will not cause the babe to act snobby.

Finally, this golden-brown devil has a strong flirty side of her. Men seemed drawn to her by her coat, so it's an easy catch for play. Or maybe, just to socialize and become friends, Velia isn't interested in a mate or pups yet, however, she does seek good friends. The woman is also very loyal to her family and friends. Once attatched, she won't leave. Just remember that no matter the cost, Velia will usually approach calmly. Unless, of course, a threat is near.

RP SAMPLE [ You've seen my roleplaying. xD [unless you want a sample anyways. ]