
might as well read me my last rights


05-15-2014, 06:13 PM

ooc;; set a few days before the pack meeting

Slender woman would lead her newest prize from the swamplands, slipping and slithering forth from the muck like the serpent she so resembled. Long legs would devour the ground, red plume drifting behind her. She didn't look back at him, she knew he would follow her. He was her's now after all. "There's someone I want you to meet" She would purr, hoping to entice his interest further, head tipping the slightest so he could catch the smirk that was growing on her lips. But she would turn again, a bit of the light fading from lantern gaze as she drew in a short breath. It was all coming down to this, to this one meeting. She knew the right thing to do would have been to tell him up front that she was married, that she ruled this pack with her wife and five children. But he was young... Painfully so. She would be five soon and from his scent he wasn't even two yet. This would make or break it, if he was able to keep his cool then maybe he wasn't too young for all of this. Though the last thing she wanted to think about was his fucking age. Eyes fluttered closed for a moment as if it might dispel those thoughts. It didn't. Though thoughts wouldn't stop harassing her until the sweet aroma of her love invaded her nostrils. Desriee was close... Her smile would widen, that light fluttering she always felt in her chest when she was near the purple nymph would begin.

"She's close..." She really didn't focus on how close he was or if he could hear her, instead haunches would plop to the ground quite firmly and head would tip back. Thank god for Crucifix and his wonderful beautician skills. An easy howl would slip from inky lips calling for Desiree. For once she howled until her breath gave out, only allowing the song to cease when she could no longer hold it. Already tail was beginning to wag, thumping a steady beat against the ground. After a moment of scanning the horizon for her love she would flip a gaze back to Crucifix and smile widely. It wasn't her usual flirty or seductive smile that she usually wore around him. No this one came from pure joy, the feeling she always felt when her wife was near.