
might as well read me my last rights



2 Years
05-15-2014, 06:26 PM

He had asked her where she would lead, and what better way to show them then with action. She would lead him from the grasp of the swamps, with her coat now sleek with its red shine and the touch of blood gone from where it had held to her. it was a totally new path to him to thing he might belong to anyone or anywhere but he had pledged himself to this newly risen Alpha, and he was true to his words. He would be her knight and aid her where she needed it as she created for herself this pack. He couldn?t imagine anything being more interesting than a life that she dictated considering her strange antics, and the easy banter that he adored.

She let him to a new land, once he assumed was equally now under her control. But it was not the land that took his attention, it was her words, said in that gorgeous purr that rumbled through her throat and whispered of interesting things to come, and enticed him. She spoke of a woman, and he touched his nose to the air to what it was that had caught her attention. He could almost taste the fascinating aroma that wafted through the air towards him and his head would tilt as he looked over at Vi, wondering what was up her sleeve? what she was planning. Clearly this woman must be integral into the pack... perhaps a fellow beta? He had a feeling there was more to it than that yet couldn?t quite put his finger upon it.

When Vi?s eyes found his, and a smile spread so widely across her lips like nothing he had ever seen upon her before he would grow slightly nervous. Clearly whoever they were meeting was essential to Vi. Was she family? A sister? Surely not, the scent was too different. It was like comparing raspberries to the midnight sky. He would seat himself upon his rump, tilting his head slightly as he watched Vi, appraising every emotion, and movement as he tried to put together the pieces.