
a fine day for a walk


05-15-2014, 11:42 PM

She was almost more amusing then he could handle, lifting her nose to attempt an air of distinguish. It only made him chuckle more, smile widening as he continued to circle her. Then she was speaking again, telling him that she had to be leaving and about how many male family members she had. Was she trying to scare him off? She bid him good day and tried to back away but the massive male would bound a few steps and set himself up behind her. "No my dear I think you should really come with me..." He purred softly, keeping himself behind her even if she decided to spin around and face him again. His smile was wide now. "In all honesty, I don't think anyone is waiting for you my dear... " He said, massive shoulders lifting and dropping in an easy shrug as if everything was so very cut and dry with him. Which... Well it was. She was interesting and he wanted her. He wanted to make her his own. Though nothing abusive or sexual came to mind it was more of an overwhelming urge to make this fascinating creature his own. "Come now trinket, come with me" He said in a half laugh, lowering his skull almost in the same fashion a bull might do to direct his herd. Should she try to run he was ready, limbs loosened and muscles coiled beneath his pelt if the need to spring arose.
