
Marked to Die: Battle Training!



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-16-2014, 06:50 AM
Hati Hr??vitnisson

Hati wasn't used to being the smaller, more maneuverable wolf in a fight. Most of his family members were shorter or thinner than himself, other than his father and a few notable exceptions among his younger siblings, so it wasn't exactly a style he'd grown up using. There was no ingrained muscle memory for the bouncing and cavorting about wolves like Loki used. Still, he would try.

When the duke finally deigned ready himself for the spar, Hati made sure his defenses were set. Yes - widened stance squared with weight evenly distributed beneath him, his legs slightly bent and muscles tensed in preparation, head and tail at the level of his spine with his shoulders rolled forward and his head pulled back, putting folds of skin and fur and fat over his vulnerable neck. Head inclined slightly toward his chest to protect his throat as his hackles rose, spiking his already-spiky fur even further. Eyes narrowed and face scrunched in a furious snarl as his ears pinned against his head. His toes spread out, clenching against the ground and ready to lever his body where ever it needed to go. Let the duke come. He was ready.

And come Kylar did, charging toward him with his head completely lowered. Hati snarled in disgust - how could he expect to properly see like that? - but wasted no time as his tensed muscles uncoiled like a spring to send him hopping to his own right to avoid the charge. The snarl turned to pain however as Kylar's jaws snapped toward him, catching just above Hati's left ankle, digging in just deeply enough to stop against the bone.

In retaliation Hati readjusted his weight, tightly curled his paw despite the pain of the wounds in an attempt to trap Kylar's lower jaw in place, and yanked the offended limb toward his chest as hard as he could. As he did he curved his body to the left, aiming a slashing bite at Kylar's face - aiming for the top of the muzzle rather than the eyes, though barely-controlled instinct told him to cripple the other male. At the same time he continued to twist his body, bringing his right shoulder forward as his left leg pulled back, aiming to push his weight into the cleft between Kylar's left leg and his ribs. Catch it right and he could force the join out of it's socket. Catch it wrong, well - he'd just have to see what happened.

Fight Stats

Round: 1/2

Defenses: widen stance squared with weight evenly distributed, knees slightly bent and muscles tensed, toes spread and gripping the ground, tail and head held even to spine, head pulled back and shoulders rolled forward, head tilted down slightly, hackles raised, ears back, eyes narrowed and skin on face scrunched

Attacks: curled paw against foreleg intending to trap Kylar's lower jaw with his teeth still in leg while jerking towards his chest to try to bring his head closer/disrupt his balance. Slashing bite to top of muzzle, shoulder aiming to force Hati's weight against the juncture of Kylar's left front leg and ribs.

Injuries: moderate puncture wounds to left ankle (punctures shallow but reach the bone, no tearing at the moment)

Out Of Character Notes:

Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
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