
sleepin' with a friend [joining]


05-16-2014, 09:32 AM

ooc;; welcome to Covari as our first warrior :D you can post in the pack meeting if you like or not if you want to say this was set after that. Our packlands are currently the range and coursegoul swamplands :3

The woman seemed agreeable enough, thankfully listening even as Vi have her rather long winded speech. Ugh. So many words... But the woman spoke, saying she was gifted with power and that she would like to become a warrior. Vi could nodd, she liked warriors, meant less fighting for her when the time came. Forever loyal... Vi's smile grew at this and she would nod in agreement. Though she had no issue with lower level pack members coming and going as they wished if this woman had any drive or desire for power loyalty would be everything here. Did Vi believe her? "So far yes, but either was I should hope you'll continue to prove yourself in this pack..."" Her words were practically a purr, a challenge and a hope all at the same time. She was an ambitious little one, that much Vi could tell but as for how she would do here it was entirely up to this woman. "We'll give you the rank of warrior then but every pack member is expected to be well rounded. Please attend healer meetings and pack hunts as well." The red woman would lift an eyebrow in an almost questioning fashion hoping the girl would understand that to make it you had to know everything.

Not that Vi expected to have everyone be the best in everything but she wanted everyone to at least know the basics's if things that weren't their trade. "So my dear, if you give me your name I think that's it, you can get yourself acquainted with our lands and find yourself a den if you like," she said for the second time trying to pry this woman's name from her lips. The red woman would lift herself, long legs unfurling beneath her as she shook out her pelt. Neck was still stiff and sore from the battle but she no longer feared the scab would crack and bleed with every movement. Plus even if it did she had her darling beautician to patch her up.

Table by Azil