
Soothing waters, soothing company



7 Years
05-16-2014, 09:53 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Oh how he had been right. It was hard to keep an eye on all of the kids, in particular their eldest. They had known freedom too long, and her paws were kept too full by Kailos and Lior to be after them. She only hoped, when she saw them and had moments to speak with them between nursing and refereeing the play in the den that they were keeping themselves out of trouble, that they were not testing any of the dangers afforded to them for living as they were. As rogues at the mercy of the wilds.

She could have gone on, easily, but was stopped by an intruding kiss. That tongue that snuck past her lips quieted her voice, caused her own tongue to follow as it retreated to place a couple quick kisses against his lips, a few more upon his jaw, to feed the sound of that rumbling growl that had sparked up within his chest. She loved that sound, loved to feel it as she pressed against him, so dominant, so sure. It sent up a quick flurry of giddiness that started in her stomach like butterflies and spread outward, warming and exciting her as only he could.

He might as well have ordered her to be quiet the message behind his words was so clear. They were done discussing the children and the aspects of their lives that revolved around them. For now, they were not mother and father but husband and wife, and as he pressed close, rising to lay his upper body over hers, Tahlia gratefully gave herself over to the distraction he offered. A satisfied, "Mmm," was murmured through a growing smile as his muzzle disappeared behind her ear, her dark gold eyes closing happily. She shifted beneath him, rolling slightly to wrap her forelegs around him and hug him close, pressing against him as she turned her muzzle into the grey fur of his neck. "I love you."