
might as well read me my last rights



2 Years
05-16-2014, 02:52 PM

The midnight sky hadn't been as far off the mark as one would have expected. The dame that came with light steps into view did not boost the red a family member might hold but nor did she touch a single other shade he had seen before in a wolf. Her coat was a velvet sparkling mass of darkness, of purple, shades that one might in fact find in the moonlight wonders of the midnight sky. Vi truly had surrounded herself with exotic beings and he found himself openly staring at this strange beast that walked towards them. With her eyes upon them it would have been hard to miss the spark of blue that formed her orbs and for a few heart beats, utterly transfixed him.

His eyes would turn to Vi, half expecting her to be assessing him, and laughing at his reaction. But no, she was already moving forward and embracing this midnight creature. For the first heartbeat he thought she was simply excited to see her, a heat beat later and he realised what he was truly seeing, a lovers embrace. He blinked, still sitting on his hunches, still reeling from this new information. Vi had spoken and confirmed it as such, confirmed that Vi was lesbian for a creature as equally fascinating as she was. His eyes where locked on Vi's now, double taking once more, taking her in and watching her with an almost predatory shadow to his eyes. She would rub herself against this woman, claiming her as he watched. And damn. The boy had to admit... it was hot.

It was the eye contact Vi gave him, those warning looks that would finally bring himself under control. He attempted to turn off his partly closes, lustful eyes and instead brought himself off his hunches to stand politely before these leaders. He would dip his head, lowering it over his chest in a sign of respect before casting his eyes back to the midnight queen. ?Desiree, my queen, I see Vi has shared her secret in dyes.. I dear say, the grape look is an astonishing success? He eased a wink to Vi as he spoke, after all it was his favourite joke between them, surely her queen would have no problem being drawn in to it, not when her coat was every bit as astonishing as Vi's. He would adjust his smile, it was still there but subdued and serious now for when he spoke again? ?My queen, I have already promised my allegiance and protection to Vi, it would be my honour to extend it to you as well, her.. wife? his speech ran smoothly enough, despite the slight hesitation that hovered over wife, he hid the shudder of pleasure that came with the thought, utterly inappropriate for the moment.