
riddle me this


05-16-2014, 03:09 PM

The dark colored male jumped at her sudden appearance much like she had jumped at his outburst. But, it would only take him a moment to settle back down once more, apparently uncomfortable in someway with accepting her help. A slight smile touched her muzzle and she would simply reply, "Of course." He sat down and stepped closer, leaning in to look more closely at his paw. Her ears twitched as he questioned her, her fiery gaze glancing up at his emerald one again. "Just wandering around aimlessly really. Haven't really found a place to be since I washed up here so..." She shrugged before focusing back on his paw once more.

It was wasn't a large piece of glass and luckily it didn't seem to be dug in too deeply. She gently grasped the glass between her teeth and after a moment of adjusting and slight wiggling she was able to pluck it out. She tossed it off to the side before gently lapping lapping up the small drops of blood that had sprung up. "There," she said with a satisfied smile. "I'd probably clean that out and put some herbs on it when you go to sleep. They won't do much for you while you're walking around. Or get a healer in your pack to look at it." His scent had the obvious twinge of a pack, though the had no knowledge of the packs here so she couldn't place which one it was.

She looked up to his gaze once more as she settled on her dark haunches, checking as she sat down to make sure there wasn't pieces of glass under her. "I'm Libra, by the way."
