
Bring Me Home


05-16-2014, 03:39 PM

He would chuckle in return as her tawny appendage slid against his side. Then he would sigh contentedly as the light grew deeper in these woods, the silence feeling natural and right. Once more they would be disrupted by two groundhogs, which Huata soon trapped and caught. Series managed a polite smile as she laid one in front of him, but he couldn't help but wonder why so many creatures had happened to come by. Certainly they weren't that ignorant. Could it be, perhaps, that this place was more sacred than he had imagined? Was it expected for wolves to refrain from violence and hunting while within its boundaries?

That seemed to be the most logical explanation. Why else would these little animals be so stupid? The sandy brute let out an apologetic sigh as he looked down at his dinner. He didn't want to be rude to his acquaintance, after the trouble she had gone to, but it didn't feel right to eat the carcass. Why spill blood and gore on the stones of a shrine? His smile returned, plastered on in an almost artificial way. But as he saw the moonlight in her blue eyes, it became warm and genuine. "Thank you for catching this, but I have no appetite for it at the moment. Do you mind if I save it for the morning?" As his soft voice entered the air, he would move a paw to push the groundhog behind him. If he wasn't eating it, he didn't want to look at it either.

But now there could be an awkward silence. This he decided to fill with a friendly question. "Do you have any other siblings to speak of? Any others, perhaps, that act just like me?" The boy wore a carefree grin to match his words, dandelion eyes sparkling with mischief.
