
Shades of my desires



2 Years
05-16-2014, 06:06 PM (This post was last modified: 05-16-2014, 06:06 PM by Crucifix.)

Each step beneath the moonlight plains would be wrought with the strength behind his muscles, each pace that carried his bulk along its surface was made beneath a precise form, and even movements. His carefully crafted stance could only be described as prowling, with his purple orbs held warningly above his features, and his tail a slow swish against his rump. His direction seemed aimless despite the purpose seared into violet his orbs. He was unfamiliar with the terrain of Covari, even the name was new and strange against his tongue, he could taste the uniqueness in that word, every bit as fantastic as the shades that boosted the bearers of the title 'Queen' with his ladies in shades unlike any he had seen before. Knowing their uniqueness it was hard not to hold himself with pride as he brought himself across the expanse they had claimed.

He had fallen into the role of protector, to aid his midnight queen however she saw fit of him, and he had no problem bowing to the wishes of that strangely adorned ruler. Even the memory of Vi and Deseree embracing in what was clearly the reunion of lovers would send shivers down his spine, but the woman in red would give him no leeway, the forms of her and her love where far past his reach, in a way their will was not. He however was not above teasing and playing with words to the likes of them both and delighted in the easy banter Vi chose to throw his way. He did not yet know the mind of Deseree, but yearned to see if her wit matched the likes of his red queen.

He found that he had paused, with his head held proudly to the overhanging whispers of silver that made up the moon, his legs half crossed as he eyed the slivers of light that created the sky. He pulled himself from his thoughts, of queens and ladies in red and once again continued his prowling of the Covari world.