
Look what the cat dragged in



11 Years
05-16-2014, 06:14 PM
It was a strange almost forgotten scent that held Bane's attention for the last hour. The personal musk of a she-wolf being breathed in mixed with the salty waters. Alena. The odor had been prominent for a long time in his life, during their meeting at the hotsprings and the month or so when he cared for her and their bastard children. He was then exiled for taking one of their pups, Nako, and one other time after that. Down by the river den where she had given birth, only this time it was because of a stray whiff of one another that they met up again.

The way her call was addressed to him worried the pale wolf. Perhaps she wanted to be within Ebony and needed somebody to vouch for her that she wasn't just some random rogue? Tahlia wouldn't like that. Non the least his mate wouldn't like that at all. But he had been called by somebody from his past, and he was obligated to at least have his ears open to whatever words she had to say. The trek to the cliffs was easy, and finding Alena's bone colored pelt even easier. Bane would stop just past the edges of the trees and eye Alena with a degree of caution. "Yes my once mate?" The elder should've told somebody where he was going, but it had happened too quick and a part of him wanted to see how she was doing.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•