
Kiss me hard before you go {P}


05-16-2014, 06:20 PM

With a tilt of her head, Silveris wagged her tail at Emery as he spoke. ?Perhaps a bit... I wouldn?t mind hunting with you. That way we could both eat.? A small smile escaped, and Silveris watched as he continued with scenting the air, twitching his ears. ?Though I?m not really sure what might live here... I?ve really only hunted crabs and caribou before... And found fish in tide pools at Soul Sand Cove.? Emery looked back up at Silveris again, and the brown girl wagged her tail once again. ?I suppose the only way to find out is to venture back in towards the center of the island, right?? Silveris smiled, and licked the pad of one white paw. "Yeah, there's probably some deer or something around here. I mean, if they're smart enough to know that no wolves live here."

Slowly, but carefully, the girl made her way to the center of the island, wagging her tail at Emery. Once she ducked into the forest, she knew that it would be hard. But she felt comforted by the scent of Emery, for some reason. Mismatched eyes gleamed as she saw a clearing, a small one, and ran over to it. When she was in the clearing, she looked around. The sunlight dappled the leaves and made them brighter, and there was a small cave, not even a thing that could be called a cave, in the side of a hill. It wasn't made of rocks, but instead was just a burrow in the ground. Glancing back at Emery, with a hushed vice, Silveris called him over. "Emery, come look at this." With that, she looked behind her, hoping he'd explore the small burrow with her.

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