
when the world splits open


04-30-2013, 08:05 PM


It was time. The man was roaming his new home, Amenti, when her howl split the silence. But, it wasn't for him, it was for the beta, Champion. Did she not want him there during the birth of their children? No matter, he would attend anyways. He had never watched one of his bitches give birth to his children before, so this should be an interesting event. He made his way toward her, using the songs lyrics as a map. Of course she had gone to her den, well, their den now. At least he thought it was theirs. They had not shared a sleeping space since they had became mates, nor had they spent much time together. Just the few hours at the lake had been theirs, and during that short time so many feelings had developed. Did she feel the same way? She had kissed him back, played the lustful game they had created together. Yet she never took the time to seek him out and further develop those feelings. So, as of now he did not know

It didn't take long until he had come to the mouth of the den, and instantly her scent made his nose scrunch up. Zara. Why was she here? That old hell hound needed to get on with her life and stay away from his wife. She had no dick, she couldn't give Newt the pleasure and love that he could. Why was she so sprung on her anyways? And why did Newt crave her love as well. He took a tentative step inside the den, pools of amethyst sweeping over Zara, and settling on Newt. He cam just in time to hear Newt's request. Why. Why Zara. Why not him. "Is it time?" He simply asked, not moving an inch from where he stood. He wanted to badly to attack Zara, take the bit of eye sight she had left and stick it up her ass; but he didn't. Their battle would come soon enough, but right now, was Newts time. His question was answered when she gave birth to one child, the proceeded to eat the sack it was born in. Obviously it was time. "If she doesn't take your offer, I will." He figured this would make Zara pounce on the opportunity, which was fine, he expected it. Tail twitched displeasure behind the mammoth man as he waited for an answer.